18 No Cost Self-Care ItemsLast night, I met a three week old baby. Baby’s are so sweet and cuddly. As I was driving home it struck me all over again how utterly...
4 New Habits for Positive Self-Talk50,000 times a day we talk to ourselves, according to researchers. Sadly, 80% of it is negative — I shouldn’t have said that . . . She...
3 Secrets for Uncertain TimesOn my 50 birthday I awoke jobless, homeless, alone for the first time in 30 years and able to say "I'm better than I should be." I was...
3 Shifts to Wait WellI crawled into Downtown Fort Worth at peak rush hour this morning. With this crawl, came two options: dread or hope. With the push of a...
I'm Uncomfortable!It’s been two years since I’ve walked into a yoga class. My muscles have formed a very tight union. Like most unions, they typically get...
5 Keys to Navigating Scary TimesHis face looked like a marshmallow after the flames had been blown off of it. I stood by his hospital bed packing him in ice every few...