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5 Ways to Reduce Stress

In March 2017, I took a life change index -- basically I measured my stress level by looking at major events in my life over the last 12 to 18 months. Stress is a feeling we experience when we perceive that the demands on us exceed our personal resources. On this particular index, numerical values are given to each life event. Check off the events and add up the values. If you score under 125 you have low stress, if between 125 and 250 you’re in the middle range, when above 250 stress is high and you should immediately and regularly reduce your stress. If your score is over 300, your chance of illness increases 80%.

My score — 546. F i v e h u n d r e d, f o r t y - s i x. Twenty other people were in the room taking this same index. The ones among them that were truly stressed-out were at 248 to 253. I should be dead! When I was in the center of all those life changing events, I found myself in emergency surgery -- an emergency appendectomy. Stress makes us sick. Here are a few ways to reduce the demands on us and increase our ability to cope.

Reduce Stress with Two Letters -- N O

One of our best stress reducers comes in a two letter word — No. As we learn to say no, even to good things, we can decrease the demands on us. It becomes easier to say no when we understand what we are designed for — everything else is someone else’s yes. Remember when you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else. Being intentional with your no will keep you healthy.

Reduce Stress by Asking for Help

Reduces the demand on us may mean we need to ask for help. It sounds so simple but seems like such a difficult step. When we’re overwhelmed by demands, it’s a perfect time to ask for help — from family, neighbors, professionals, friends, co-workers, anyone in a position to help. It's not the end of the world to confess we are human. All of us need help from time to time.

Reduce the Stress by Focusing on the Main Thing

As we reduce the stress in our lives, it’s important to keep our focus on the main thing. Many times we end up consumed in low priority activities, having forgotten the most important thing. Whatever your number one thing is, go back to it and don’t sweat the small stuff. If you need help identifying your main thing, coaches are specially trained to partner with you in uncovering your thing. Contact me today and let's get started.

Improve Coping by Recharging

No matter how good we are at reducing the demands on us, we’ll never be without stress. Improving our ability to cope with the demands or the emotional effects is a necessity. One of the best ways to cope with the demands of life is to schedule into our day a 30 minute recharge time. Give our bodies and minds a moment to relax and get away from it all — take a walk, soak in the tub, sit in the park, eat lunch with a friend, go for a drive, do yoga, meditate, use deep breathing exercises.

Improve Coping with Movement

In an attempt to manage our stress, it’s imperative that we add physical exercise to our routine. It moves our mental focus off of our stressors and provides us with additional energy. Physical exercise simply means movement, jump in place, get out of the chair and walk the hall, do some stretches, dance. Think of it as motivational breaks -- times that increase our capacity and motivation.

I know what you’re thinking, “I don’t have extra time to recharge and exercise. Remember, I’m already overwhelmed.” Recharge time and physical exercise will reduce our mental and emotional anxiety-stress-demands and free up some space resulting in a good return on our time-investment. In other words, we can’t afford not to.

What’s one thing you are willing to do this week to reduce your stress or increase your coping skills?


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